Addiction Therapy in Honolulu
Wellness Counseling

Addiction is a crippling mental health disorder that strains relationships, hurts careers, and may bring physical harm, depending on how far it goes. It affects a startling number of U.S. adults, made worse during the coronavirus pandemic, and continues to be a factor affecting many people’s lives.

Seeing a therapist for addiction treatment can be all or part of a program to break free from whatever it is that’s controlling your life; the goal is both short- and long-term progress and relief.

Learning the coping and communication skills you work on in therapy is crucial to the recovery process. If you have feelings of shame and guilt, they need to heal while you build a more positive self-image. Each person with addiction issues is unique, and our counselors employ a range of therapeutic approaches specifically chosen to help you most.

Oahu therapists for addiction treatment, Honolulu, HI.

What are the
Types of Addiction?

Hawaii addiction counseling for substance abuse & alcoholism, Honolulu & Kailua, HI. Addiction therapy, Oahu, Wellness Counseling.

When many of us hear the word addiction, we think primarily about substance abuse, but there are behavioral addictions as well. Years of research and study have shown they are brain diseases and not merely weaknesses or personal failings. Therefore, it is helpful to understand the types of addiction.

  1. Substance addiction involves alcohol, prescription painkillers, cocaine, heroin, etc.
  2. Behavioral addiction can be gambling, shopping, sex, etc.

Medical and mental health professionals know that all types of addiction, both substance and behavioral, affect the brain’s reward system. Specifically, the release of the neurotransmitter dopamine causes a strong association between pleasure and the substance or behavior that becomes addictive.

Addiction Counseling:
What Can I Expect?

We provide a safe, confidential, judgment-free space that is supportive and affirming for every client. Our experienced Kailua and Honolulu addiction counseling therapists are ready to meet you and extend a helping hand. They’ve worked with people from many walks of life and can help you overcome addiction.

Addiction counseling sessions vary by person, but there are general areas that will be important for everyone to include in their recovery journey.

  • Healthier coping
  • Improved communication skills
  • Building a recovery network
  • Understanding triggers and motives
  • Overcoming shame and guilt

In addition to therapy, many people’s treatment also includes medications, support groups, and possibly spending time in a rehabilitation center. Our counselors appreciate the value of each, depending on your needs, and can provide professional guidance in helping you access the best ones for you.

Overcoming addiction with Honolulu treatment for addiction at Wellness Counseling.

How and Why Does Counseling Help?

Mental health counseling is a crucial part of the recovery process, and one of the most important reasons is getting to the root of your addiction. Until more is understood and worked on in therapy, you’re at greater risk of relapsing, ignoring warning signs – therefore, guidance from an experienced therapist is vital.

Recovering from addictions and returning to a healthy lifestyle requires ongoing work; it may be something you do for the rest of your life. But the payoffs are enormous, and you’ll love life again.

You can work with us confidentially in person or by online appointment.

The behavioral therapy we provide focuses on identifying negative behaviors (including your addictions) and replacing them with healthier actions. We promote well-being with a mind, body, and spirit approach and help improve self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-awareness.

Can I Overcome
Addiction on My Own?

Oahu addiction support group counseling, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Most people who have struggled with addiction understand how powerful they can be and how difficult it is to overcome them. Nearly everyone has tried, likely multiple times, before seeking professional help.

If substance or behavioral addictions are a recurring theme in your life and your self-treatment attempts haven’t resolved them permanently, seeking help is wise. You may have been dealing with them for some time and feel guilt and shame.

Many people struggling with addiction have one or several consequences affecting their lives.

Addictive behaviors can have many effects on your quality of life, and if you’ve experienced or come close to any of the ones above, it’s time to seek help.

What Therapeutic Methods
Treat Addiction?

When you become a Wellness Counseling client, you’ll work with therapists who can offer several treatment methods to help overcome addiction.

One of the most important things is a careful and thorough initial evaluation – getting to understand you, any relapses, and your recovery process. The understanding gained through an initial assessment is crucial in selecting a therapeutic approach and gearing it to your unique needs.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a talk-based therapeutic method that has proven highly effective for many people. It is rooted in the psychological principles of behavior and cognition.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

DBT is a deeper form of therapy helpful in treating addiction. It teaches you to identify and understand negative behaviors and replace them with healthier ones.

It’s also essential to continually evaluate the success of therapeutic methods and make adjustments as needed. Each person’s journey in overcoming addiction is different from anyone else’s, and effective counseling recognizes it. We’re attuned to what helps you most at each stage of the process. Contact us today to learn how the top counseling for addiction Honolulu has to offer can help you.

Why Add Counseling to
Addiction Treatment?

For many people, addiction treatment is a multi-part process, and each part plays a role. The value of working with a counselor is to understand and address any underlying causes and behaviors.

Psychotherapy for addiction recovery can bring short and long-term improvements. It can guide you to a healthier lifestyle and greater self-awareness and acceptance than can be transformational.

Understanding what made you susceptible to becoming addicted can be one of the most powerful ways to avoid relapsing into it in the future. Liking yourself and your life more can be profoundly helpful.

How Do I Know if I’m Right for Therapy?

Many people attending individual and group therapy sessions are referred by other professionals also providing addiction treatment services. Almost everyone working to overcome an addiction will benefit from the support of a counselor and the opportunity to understand better any underlying emotions.

No two people with potentially addictive personalities are alike. Your therapist will work with you as an individual, helping you understand the past and work for a better future.

Hawaii drug addiction counseling and alcohol addiction therapy sessions also explore unhealthy behaviors and how to modify them to more productive ones — a personalized treatment plan will guide your sessions.

Finding Addiction Treatment in Honolulu

The sooner you enter addiction therapy as part of your treatment program, the sooner you have opportunities to heal emotionally. It is a vital step in rebuilding an addiction-free life that will give you a new chance at happiness and success.

At Wellness Counseling, our mission is to provide the best addiction therapy Honolulu offers. Our offices are easy to reach if you can attend in person or work with us by telehealth appointment.

Stop addiction today with Wellness Counseling addiction therapy, Honolulu, Hawaii. Drug addiction counseling, Honolulu.

Ready to Start
Treatment for Addiction?

Get started today. There has never been a better time.

Contact Info

We’re open Monday through Saturday and ready to help you.

General Office Hours:  Monday – Fridays 7 a.m. to 6 p.m and Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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