Low Self-Esteem Treatment in Honolulu
Wellness Counseling

Self-esteem is an enduring part of our personalities and refers to the opinion we have of ourselves. When it is intact, we have a sense of who we are and are ready to handle life’s challenges. But for anyone affected by low self-esteem, it can be the opposite as self-confidence is diminished.

Seeing a therapist for low self-esteem treatment can provide help and relief if you’re frequently feeling inadequate, unloved, or incompetent. You may also fear failure and letting others down.

Unfortunately, feelings of low self-esteem can affect people from all walks of life for various reasons. If you experience them frequently or have been noticing such thoughts for more than two weeks, you may want to consider working with a counselor. You’ll begin by probing the source of your feelings and then start a treatment plan to overcome them.

Oahu therapy for low self-esteem, Honolulu and Kailua, Hawaii.

What are the Signs of
Low Self-Esteem?

Honolulu low self-esteem therapists work with clients to build self-confidence.
  1. A negative internal voice with an inner dialog, saying to yourself you aren’t worthy of the good things in life, such as love, happiness, and success
  2. Withdrawal and avoidance of social situations, new things, or anything that may feel challenging because you doubt or underestimate your ability to handle difficult things.
  3. Oversensitivity to criticism because perceived criticism from others can reinforce and feed into the negative beliefs you have about yourself.
  4. Hostility toward others can occur as a defense mechanism.
  5. It Can Trigger other mental health conditions when low self-esteem is left untreated and unresolved; it can lead to depression, anxiety, substance abuse, and eating disorders.

Low Self-Esteem Therapy:
What Can I Expect?

You can expect a safe, confidential space that is affirming and supportive when you meet with our experienced Kailua and Honolulu low self-esteem therapists. Each new client relationship begins with learning more about you and what may be the causes of your low self-esteem.

Most people benefit as soon as the first session with a trained counselor. We’ll also work with you to identify a process for long-term healing and to improve your self-esteem going forward.

  • Develop awareness of your thoughts and beliefs
  • Begin challenging negative or inaccurate feelings
  • Improve communication and relationship skills
  • Learn to assert yourself and set boundaries

Each of us builds (or rebuilds) self-esteem uniquely and on a personalized timeline. Your sessions and treatment will recognize your needs and be geared to meet them. Recognizing the opportunity is important because low self-esteem can affect many areas of your life, and counseling can help. To get in touch with the best counselors for low self esteem Honolulu and Kailua have to offer, contact us today.

Oahu low self-esteem counseling, Honolulu. Trained counselor with client. Therapy for low self esteem, Oahu.

Am I Someone Who Needs Therapy?

If you’re feeling unhappy or uncomfortable and dealing with self-esteem issues, seeking treatment is wise. Trying to overcome feelings of inadequacy or reversing long-entrenched patterns in a DIY manner may leave them unaffected. The guidance and insight of a trained counselor offer hope.

Overcoming mental health conditions is a process with a beginning, middle, and end. You’ll find relief at each stage as you steadily progress, improving your self-confidence.

Self-esteem therapy provides guidance in a supportive environment that’s safe and confidential.

Many people have struggled with low self-esteem since childhood. If you’ve struggled with it for years, there are reliable ways to overcome it and live a happier, healthier, better-adjusted life.

Will Low Self-Esteem
Improve on Its Own?

Oahu self-esteem therapy, Honolulu, HI.

Occasional feelings of inadequacy affect many people at times in their lives. Some of us can bounce back from them and move on, while others may not – or may have more deep-seated issues.

If you deal often with negative feelings about yourself and they affect your daily functioning and relationships with others, you can benefit from professional guidance. Working with a counselor is nearly always more effective than trying to handle things on your own.

Low self-esteem can impact many areas of life.

  • Self-confidence – you feel inadequate in many situations.
  • Social situations – you may withdraw from or avoid events with family and friends.
  • Response to criticism – you may become overly hostile toward others.
  • Trigger other conditions – you may feel depressed, anxious, overeat, drink too much, etc.

When a therapist works with you to untangle feelings and their origins, counseling sessions can address your needs precisely. Our lives are complex and exist among many relationships and situations. Therefore, understanding and addressing any complication factors is also beneficial.

Improving your self-esteem will help you in many ways and increase your confidence and satisfaction. A mental health professional’s guidance will provide needed support along the way.

Therapeutic Methods for
Low Self-Esteem

Our experienced Wellness Counseling therapists work with a range of treatment methods that may be appropriate for clients working to overcome low self-esteem. Treatment plans may include one or more methods, depending on your needs and personality.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

CBT is talk therapy based on the psychological principles of behavior and cognition; it is well-understood and an effective approach for many people.

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

DBT is a longer form of therapy to treat self-esteem issues. You’ll learn to recognize negative thoughts you have about yourself and let them go in favor of positive thoughts.

Positive Psychology

Positive psychology Is what its name implies: it is therapy focused on the positive things in life. It can reset your self-confidence and self-esteem by focusing on your strengths and abilities.

In any therapeutic setting, focusing on what works and adjusting treatment as you go along can increase effectiveness and success. Your counselor will remain attuned to your needs and use the approach or approaches that are helping you most. Ready to learn more about the top therapy for low self esteem Oahu has available, reach out to us today.

Why Enter Counseling for
Low Self-Esteem?

Feeling better about yourself, gaining confidence, and reversing lifelong patterns can bring increased happiness and fulfillment. Counselors can help on the road to self-improvement.

Psychotherapy can bring short-term relief and long-term improvements. The goal is to support you in becoming better adjusted and improving your relationships with others.

Unhelpful behaviors associated with self-esteem can affect many aspects of your life – you may be surprised at how many when you enter therapy and begin greater self-discovery.

How Do I Know if Therapy Will Help Me?

People prone to low self-esteem often have struggled with it since childhood. It can involve deeply held feelings that develop through the years, perhaps because of treatment from others. If you feel a lack of self-confidence and inadequacy that persists, counseling can be the answer.

Each of us experiences feelings uniquely, but if you have recurrent bouts of feeling inadequate, unloved, and lacking self-confidence, you may suffer from low self-esteem.

Initial counseling sessions will explore your feelings and the behaviors associated with them. It will inform a personalized treatment plan to guide your future sessions.

Finding Low Self-Esteem Therapy in Honolulu

You have much to gain by recognizing and overcoming low self-esteem. If you have self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy persistently, entering therapy is wise. You’ll notice improvements and feel better after only a few sessions.

  • You will develop more self-confidence, and with it will come higher self-esteem.
  • Our experienced therapists will work with you in a safe, confidential, affirming environment.

At Wellness Counseling, our goal is to provide the best low-self-esteem therapy Honolulu offers. We’re conveniently located if you prefer to attend in person, and telehealth appointments are also available.

Ready to Start Counseling
for Low Self-Esteem?

There has never been a better day than today.

Contact Info

We’re open Monday through Saturday and ready to help you.

General Office Hours:  Monday – Fridays 7 a.m. to 6 p.m and Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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