Depression Treatment in Honolulu
Wellness Counseling

We all feel sad from time to time in reaction to challenging life events, but depression is different. It is characterized by a deeper state of emotional suffering that robs you of quality of life. During depressed moments you may feel hopeless, exhausted, unmotivated, and withdrawn.

At Wellness Counseling, our therapists are among Oahu’s most experienced and compassionate.

We’re among the foremost providers of depression treatment in Honolulu & Kailua and are available to work with adults, children, and adolescents. We take a 360-degree, whole-person approach to help you overcome obstacles and begin enjoying the joys of life more fully again.

Treatment for depression. Counseling, Honolulu & Kailua, Oahu. Therapy for depression.

What are the
Warning Signs of Depression?

Woman looking out a window waiting for depression therapy, Honolulu, HI.

The best way to understand whether you’re depressed is to understand the signs and symptoms of depression. If you are feeling one or more of them, you may be depressed and a candidate for therapy.

  • Low mood with feelings of sadness and despair
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty motivating
  • Less interest in activities you enjoy
  • Sleep problems
  • Desire to hide or be isolated
  • Trouble concentrating
  • In extreme cases, suicidal thoughts

Some patients may deal with most of these; for others, it’s only one or two. Regardless of how many, if the emotional suffering is substantial, you owe it to yourself to see a counselor for help.

We Treat Two
Types of Depression

There are two types of depression, and they are different.

Some people have periods of cycles of depression – it comes and goes. Others have chronic depression that is crushing and unrelenting. The first step in effective treatment is understanding your life and feelings and what it will take to improve them.


Situational depression is described as a temporary state of sadness triggered by something specific. It can be frequent if the triggering event is ever-present in your daily life.

Therapy appointments for situational depression examine your sad and unhappy feelings, what triggers them, and how you can work through them productively. The number of sessions varies by person and the severity of the situation. Working with a counselor can help you better understand your feelings and coping strategies for dealing with them.


Treatment for chronic depression, also known as clinical depression, takes longer for most people and may need to be ongoing for a period of your life. It may combine psychotherapy and medication management to level out and work through your feelings productively.

Our counselors and therapists are experienced in evaluating and treating clinical depression in its many forms. We work with patients in-person at our conveniently located Honolulu counseling center or by online telehealth appointments if appropriate.

Can I Take Antidepressant Medications and
Be Cured?

The latest research shows that more than 17 million U.S. adults and almost two million children and teenagers report being depressed. A surprising number of them take antidepressant medications for relief from their symptoms.

Statistics show about 10% of American adults take antidepressants; research indicates they are only effective for 1/3 of those people.

While the medications improve mood and daily functioning, they cannot treat the underlying causes and bring about long-term improvement. Psychotherapy to treat depression, alone or in combination with medications, can provide a more complete solution.

What Can I Do to Help Myself?

If you’re suffering from depression, there are things you can do to help. Exercising, improving your diet, and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule are all known to help. If you’re experiencing situational depression, good self-help practices are avoiding the triggers whenever possible.

A genuine desire to get better helps treat depression and all other mental health conditions. Maintaining a positive outlook, understanding that improvements can take time, and working through setbacks are all natural parts of the process. Entering therapy for depression gives you knowledge, tools, and a framework for better understanding and dealing with your feelings.

How Will Treatment for Depression
Improve My Life?

There is good news for anyone suffering from depression who seeks professional help. Therapists like ours have an ever-increasing understanding of the emotional and physical processes that cause you to feel depressed – and how to deal with them. It’s all the more reason to seek treatment.

At Wellness Counseling, we employ a range of approaches when treating depression.

Our depression therapy is client-centered, and our goal is to improve your life both short and long-term. Current data indicates 8 in 10 people who see therapists for depression treatment experience an improvement in their symptoms.

Woman sitting on a mountain on the island of Oahu.

Why Attend Counseling
Sessions with Us?

Our counselors and therapists understand depression can have many causes. Regardless of which one affects you, they can develop a personalized treatment plan to bring results. Feeling depressed isn’t your fault, and causes include unpleasant events, chronic illnesses, brain chemistry, and even hormones. Each can play a factor, and when understood and treated, your symptoms will improve.

Wellness Counseling is one of Honolulu’s foremost psychotherapy practices for treating depression.

Depression can affect anyone, regardless of age, lifestyle, or background. But the common thread is it diminishes your quality of life and affects you and those around you. The best approach is to seek treatment and reset your life toward greater happiness and enjoyment. There are no rights and wrongs, and what works for each of us is unique – begin your journey toward improvement today. You’ll feel better and begin enjoying life again.

Ready to Speak with
a Depression Counselor?

There has never been a better day to get started than today.

Contact Info

We’re open Monday through Saturday and ready to help you.

General Office Hours:  Monday – Fridays 7 a.m. to 6 p.m and Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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