Anxiety Treatment in Honolulu
Wellness Counseling

People on the outside might think living in Oahu is a stress-free experience. But we face stress and anxiety just like people everywhere. If you feel worried too often or strongly, it can be overwhelming and interfere with daily life. At Wellness Counseling, we’re here to help.

Professional treatment for anxiety can help you feel better and enjoy your life more fully.

The clients we treat for anxiety in Honolulu and Kailua learn to manage and overcome anxious feelings about many things — health, money, jobs, and relationships. Women are about twice as likely to deal with anxiety as men, but it affects people of all ages and from many walks of life.

Woman deals with anxiety disorder in Kailua. Honolulu counseling for anxiety. Treatment options are available with Wellness Counseling.

Be Alert:
The Warning Signs of Anxiety Disorder

Treatment for Anxiety, Oahu. Anxiety disorders such as PTSD are common among members of the Armed Forces.

There are various warning signs for anxiety disorder. You may experience some or many of them; it varies by personality and life circumstances. If you are anxious too often, you could be a candidate for therapy.

  • Worrying too often or too much
  • Feeling fearful or anxious
  • Restlessness or the inability to calm down
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Having intrusive thoughts
  • Being irritable
  • Tense muscles
  • Trouble sleeping or waking up in the night

Some clients may deal with most of these; for others, it’s only one or two. Regardless of how many, if the emotional suffering is substantial, you owe it to yourself to see a counselor for help.

We Treat All 5
Types of Anxiety Disorders

Personality, genetics, life events, and chemistry can all be root causes of anxiety disorder, affecting people at any age.

Your symptoms and triggers will depend on the root cause and type of anxiety disorder that affects you. What’s important to know is that when you visit Wellness Counseling, our caring and experienced anxiety therapists will carefully evaluate what is affecting you.

1. Generalized Anxiety

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) means you feel anxiety and worry nearly every day and have felt that way for months.

Many clients with GAD report difficulty focusing or concentrating. Other frequently mentioned symptoms include irritability, tense muscles, lost sleep, or waking too early.

2. Obsessive-Compulsive (OCD)

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is frequently mentioned casually, but do you know what it is? People with OCD have frequent and upsetting obsessions and compulsions. Sometimes it causes repeating behavior patterns, such as excessive hand washing because of a fear of germs.

OCD can run in families, and the symptoms and behaviors can interfere with daily life in many ways.

3. Social Anxiety

Social anxiety disorder (SAD) can be crippling for those who suffer from it. Ordinary social interactions can trigger irrational feelings of anxiety, self-consciousness, fear, and even embarrassment.

Physical symptoms can include sweating, trembling or shaking, blushing, and difficulty speaking. Psychotherapeutic treatment for SAD explores the root causes and works to address and overcome them.

 4. PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder)

We treat post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in Oahu, and it’s not uncommon for our clients to have recently served in the armed forces. It impacts people who have lived through or witnessed traumatic events such as war, accidents, and natural disasters. PTSD is also caused by sexual abuse.

Clients with PTSD often report flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, guilt, sadness, or aggressive behavior outbursts. All can be improved or eliminated with psychotherapy.

5. Panic Attacks

Panic disorder, characterized by panic attacks, brings physical and emotional symptoms. You may feel terror for no immediate reason, have an elevated heart rate, have trouble breathing, and feel stomach pain.

It’s more common in women than men, and panic disorder makes some people feel like they are having a heart attack.

Am I the Only One
Who Feels Anxious So Often?

The statistics about the prevalence of anxiety in American society are significant. For example, the Anxiety and Depression Association of America reports generalized anxiety disorder affects nearly seven million American adults. It’s about three percent of the population, and less than half are in therapy for treatment.

Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the United States, including Hawaii.

Children and teenagers can also be affected because anxiety is not specific to any age. We see clients with widely varying circumstances, all with a common goal of reducing anxious feelings and improving their lives. Once you’re feeling better, you’ll be surprised by how much anxiety held you back.

Will Anxiety Go Away If I “Tough It Out”?

As with most mental health conditions, anxiety and its effects can worsen when left untreated. You may begin avoiding people and situations unnecessarily, performing poorly at work or school, or withdrawing entirely. If you’ve been having symptoms for six months or more, seeking treatment is recommended.

Self-care and reliance are admirable, and people who conquer their anxiety do much of the work themselves. But the guidance of a trained and experienced psychotherapist is invaluable and will help you discover and understand much more than most people can on their own.

How Will Treating My Anxiety
Make Things Better?

As feelings of worry and anxiety begin to ease, many parts of life become less stressful and more enjoyable. You’ll feel more comfortable and relaxed at times when previously you were upset or uncomfortable. The secret is learning to overcome anxious feelings and turn them into confidence and calm.

We employ a range of approaches when treating anxiety at Wellness Counseling. They include cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavioral therapy, and medication if needed. You’ll feel an improvement in many areas.

  • Fewer worried feelings
  • Reduced fear or anxiousness
  • Better concentration
  • Happier outlook and less irritability
  • More relaxed muscles
  • Sounder, better sleep

All anxiety treatments are tailored to your individual needs. The process begins with a careful assessment to develop a personalized anxiety counseling plan optimized for you. Our goal is to reduce your anxiety significantly.

Oahu individual therapy and counseling sessions in Honolulu and Kailua, HI. Anxiety counseling session.

Why See Our Therapists
For Treatment?

Our psychotherapists are credentialed counselors with wide-ranging mental health treatment experience, including anxiety disorders. We strive to be the best anxiety therapists Honolulu offers. It reflects our deep commitment to a client-centered approach with a unique focus on your needs. Regardless of your anxieties’ causes or origins, we will help you worry less and enjoy life more.

Wellness Counseling is ready to help if you’re dealing with any anxiety disorder.

Anxiety can be a significant issue for people of any age, turning otherwise happy moments into anxious ones. If you’re avoiding life or spending too much time feeling anxious, our treatment plans offer short and long-term improvements. A counselor’s guidance can help you get your life on track faster and more completely than coping independently. Emotional happiness is a journey; you have every reason to start overcoming your anxiety today.

Ready to Speak with
An Anxiety Counselor?

There has never been a better day to get started with counseling for anxiety than today.

Contact Info

We’re open Monday through Saturday and ready to help you.

General Office Hours:  Monday – Fridays 7 a.m. to 6 p.m and Saturday 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.

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