The Many Benefits of Psychotherapy

woman in empty hallway waiting for a Honolulu counseling session

Take Better Care of Your Mental Health

Most people living on the mainland likely envy those of us living in Oahu, assuming our lives are stress-free in an island paradise. But in reality, we face challenges similar to those of people everywhere, and we deal with all the usual life events—and some can have a serious impact on our mental health.

One way to deal with or recover from difficult life circumstances is to work with a Honolulu therapist. For most people, attending individual therapy sessions is the most direct route to treatment. You can work with one of our trained and experienced Wellness Counseling Honolulu therapists in person or through a telehealth session.

If you’ve been trying to “tough it out” with emotional or mental health problems, you’ll find immediate and long-term relief from a counselor’s guidance. Personal resilience is admirable, but a general rule is that if you’ve been unable to shake something for two weeks or longer, consider therapy.

Common Reasons for Entering Therapy

People often ask who should attend therapy, and the answer is there’s not an exact answer. It varies by individual and life circumstances. That said, there are common mental health conditions that often cause people to seek professional help.

You could be dealing with one of the above or something entirely different as you consider whether therapy can help you. One way to find out is to schedule an initial consultation with a Honolulu therapist to discuss your situation. They can give you more information about what therapy can accomplish.

If you worked with a counselor earlier in life and your current circumstances require help, you may have a clearer idea of the benefits. Our therapists use a variety of methods, thoughtfully selected based on your personality and needs. The goal is to find the one that helps you the most.

distraught woman needing a therapist. Honolulu therapist are ready to help at Wellness Counseling on Oahu

Will Individual Therapy Help Me?

Woman in anguish needing a Honolulu therapist. Psychotherapy is helpful to a wide range of people, often after stressful life events, a traumatic situation, a major illness, or the loss of a loved one. All can affect your mental health unless processed and resolved. Therapists understand how to help you work through recovery and get your life back on track.

If you’ve considered counseling but hesitated, schedule an initial visit to learn more.

Attending therapy is a dynamic process that occurs in the context of life. Some sessions involve exploring and understanding, while others can lead to breakthroughs. It’s most helpful to view the results in an arc and understand that there is variation in results as you work through challenging things.

Can My Mental Health Issues be Cured?

Given the medical profession’s emphasis on the word “cure,” it’s understandable to wonder about it for your mental health. What’s most important is for you to be well-adjusted, comfortable, content, and successful in your daily life. You will be considered in good mental health when you are all of those.

  • Improve your relationships
  • Enjoy life more
  • Deal effectively with challenges
  • Take care of yourself – sleep and eat better
  • Handle the demands of your job

Also, if you take medication for depression, anxiety, or PTSD, adding individual therapy is a helpful addition to your treatment. Counseling is also beneficial if you are working to overcome an addiction. It provides support and helps you understand and overcome underlying issues that may be factors.

What Treatment Methods Do You Use?

At Wellness Counseling, we strive to be among the best therapists Honolulu offers and employ the most effective methods for our clients’ needs. Examples include cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) to treat depression, dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for anxiety, solution-focused counseling for life transitions, and trauma-focused therapy for grief and trauma.

A single treatment method works for some people, but a combination is better for others.

One of the most essential things your Honolulu therapist will do is develop a treatment plan and observe your progress. Each session is a building block toward a better-functioning life and improved mental health. It’s helpful to view therapy as a journey and understand that progress occurs incrementally.

Woman meeting with a honolulu therapist for therapy. Honolulu based therapist Oahu

Conclusion: The Value of Individual Therapy

You’ll benefit in many ways when you improve your emotional and psychological well-being by attending individual therapy with one of our Honolulu therapists. Because we practice holistically, the sessions you attend will consider all your needs, and the role counseling can play in meeting them.

  • Achieve your goals
  • Greater happiness and health
  • Better social and emotional functioning
  • Enhanced feelings of satisfaction
  • More productive at work

If all of the above sounds good to you compared to your current situation, consider enrolling in individual therapy. There’s no reason to wait, and there’s no reason to let mental health conditions hold you back from living the life you want to live. Our counselors are ready to extend a helpful, supportive hand.

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